Sunday, August 7, 2011

Checking in

Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for the support thus far. Today we raised another $140! We estimate that the rest of the money is needed by Wednesday or Thursday, so if you are planning to give, please keep that in mind.

So today has been a good, relatively calm day. As you know, the morning was dedicated to emails and fundraising. Later in the afternoon, we all went to the hospital to visit Jose and Rosa and drop off supplies. They are doing great! They said that they have had no problems at all getting food and especially enjoyed the hot coffee. In fact, they said that the portions are so big that they were too full from breakfast to even want lunch. Rosa told us she got lost one time trying to find the cafeteria, but that the guard helped her no problem. They were smiling and laughing almost the whole time we were there.

And, although the outcome of this situation is still so unknown, we got concrete reassurance that we have already helped. Today, Jose told us that his pain is so much better now, thanks to the pain medicine.

They allowed us to take photos to share with you all, but unfortunately we having technical difficulties on this computer, so somewhere in the midst of meeting with the social worker, the photos will be up tomorrow.

goodnight to all,

1 comment:

  1. Little do Jose and Rosa know they've stumbled on two powerhouses. Best of luck in your efforts.
